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An accordion is a section of content that can be toggled opened and closed. Accordions must be checked to see if they indicate focus, and be keyboard and screen reader accessible.

WHEN I click on a closed accordion toggle button
THEN the accordion opens
AND aria-expanded is set to "true"
AND its content is read via screen reader.

WHEN I am navigating using a keyboard
AND I tab on an accordion toggle button
THEN I see a visual indicator
AND the focus indicator passess WCAG rule
AND the label is read via screen reader

WHEN I am navigating using a keyboard
AND I tab on a closed accordion toggle button
AND I press the spacebar OR enter key
THEN the accordion opens
AND aria-expanded is set to "true"
AND I press the spacebar OR enter key again
THEN the accordion closes
AND aria-expanded is set to "false",

More Information

Aria-labelledby is used to associate the accordion content with the toggle button to a screen reader.

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