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Audio should be able to be made available to all people using any technology.

WHEN I land on a page that has audio.
AND Audio is set to auto play.
AND Audio plays for three seconds or more.
THEN I am provided a way to stop, pause or control volume of audio.

Prerecorded Audio Only

WHEN I land on a page that has prerecorded audio.
THEN I am provided a text transcript of the audio.

Related Acceptance Criteria

This covers strictly audio on a page/application. For multi-media see acceptance criteria for video. If you are looking to create a multi-media player, please see acceptance criteria for media player.

More Information

Audio MUST meet the following:

  • If audio plays for more than 3 seconds, there must be a way to stop,mute,pause or adjust the volume [ WCAG 1.4.2 ].
  • Prerecorded audio must provide a transcript of the audio [ WCAG 1.2.1 ].

Audio SHOULD meet the following:

  • Background sounds should be about 20dB lower or removed during dialogue.

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